Or you can append the string ?weeks=W&Days=D to the URL will create a parameterized URL based on your current progress which will keep the weeks and days parameters the same every time you visit the page.
#Countdown to pregnancy update#

Want to bookmark the Miscarriage Reassurer with all it's data so you don't have to keep re-entering your maternal info it day after day? When you check the checkbox datayze will create a cookie to remember your due date. The reassurer can even account for added risk factors like maternal age, weight and number of previous miscarriages. The reassurer will let you know how much lower the probability of miscarriage is now than when your pregnancy first started, and how much lower yet they'll still be in the next couple of days. Rather than simply give the probability of a miscarriage, however, the reassurer can also tell you how likely her pregnancy is to continue. The Miscarriage Odds Reassurer calculates the probability of miscarriage given how far a person is in their pregnancy. The Miscarriage Odds Reassurer is designed to remind us of this fact, and ease our fears.

Once a person becomes pregnant the pregnancy is more likely to result in a baby than to end in a miscarriage. Yet, while miscarriage is common, it is not the likely outcome.

We all know someone whose had it happen to them, or maybe it's happened to us. Nervous about the possibility of a miscarriage? The fear of miscarriage is one of the biggest fears we have during pregnancy.